Writer’s Autobiography, I suppose.

Who am I as a writer? I am exactly what writing is: a working process. I am not sure of which directions I want to take as a writer but I do know that I do enjoy writing very much. I like creating stories, creating people of whom I have control of their lives. I like telling their stories, their struggles, and the ability to almost play God that only in writing we can find. It’s relaxing and interesting to do creative writing. It’s the escape into another reality, into your mind, into your fantasies. I like writing short stories, plays, and even have so novel ideas (drafts, writing is a working process). I enjoy reading a lot as well and much like my writing my taste in novels is also very eclectic. My favorite writers are Stephen King and JK Rowling. I also do enjoy a lot of movies and television that tell a good story and even inspire me to write. Music is also a big inspiration of mine. If I like an album, I’ll envision story it could be the soundtrack for.